{HT-1-}{HT-7-}{HT-3-}{HT-4-}纷纷掏出了饮料**holds out drink 谢谢亲爱的们,谢谢你们打我脸?不管怎么说,现在是时候宣布泳池派对五项全能的赢家了!首先是充气软剑挑战赛...Thank you, darlings. Anyway, it’s time to announce the winners of the Pool Party Pentathlon! First up in the Noodle Knockout… 是我。(面瘫脸)It’s me. 呃是啊,从一个女孩身下抽走她的游泳圈... Well, yes, way to pull a floatie from under a girl… 对我没有公平可言。(继续面瘫)I have no equal. 内个,不好意思——Uh, excuuuuuse me— 下一项!在冲刺跳水中,我们谦虚的英雄——Next! In the Dashing Dive, our humble hero— 谢谢,谢谢。Thank you, thank you.